Friday, December 3, 2010

the reason to have sex??

People die, they are mortal. When we reproduce we are trying to become immortal. During orgasm we glimpse immortality. It is a basic need for survival of the species which drives our desire to have sex. Are sexual desire is at the foundation of our desire to live, it is a need and a bodily function like eating, sleeping and shitting. Sex makes us feel alive. Having sex with people who could make good parents and who have good genes (young, rich, healthy, beautiful) makes us feel very satisfied and happy and even proud and arrogant.

The social conventions around sex are constantly changing and are different in different societies and times. People in the west think they are sexually liberated but they are not. People in the traditional countries like India try to fight the sexual desire, which ends up being hypocritical b/c men use prostitutes there more than in the west and many women lead miserable lives of sexual slavery, as do some children.

In the future, when/if we become civilised we will live in a society where everyone can fulfil their sexual desires and people will freely be able to have sex with whoever they like without fear of disease. Aldous Huxley predicted that even children will have sex with each other in the future. This idea seems shocking us now.
As far as your predicament is concerned, just be like everyone else, get what u can but don't get caught, and don't get a nasty disease off some girl or a prostitute. Good luck.

courtesy from yahoo answer

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