Saturday, November 13, 2010


Salam readers...

here, i want to share sum info to the people who are keen in becoming a professional engineer after graduating from the university.

listen dude..its not so hard to achieve prof. engineer or we called Ir....but the main thing is believe me you will find that being an ordinary engineer is very boring fact ur responsibilty is limited and you can't submit drawing, signing doc..etc..right??u wanna a title which signify your power and authority in engineering ok..this is what u should a professional engineer ok..

now,i am going to take you to a simple tour or basic guidance of becoming a professional engineer okay??

first, soon after your graduating from engineering course, Please register with BEM..Board of Engineer Malaysia..really fact, before u can simply practise ur engineering skill, u have to reg yourself with BEM...amount need to pay is cheap ok..and once for a life time okay..

second step dude, just work at any consultation firm or company for atleast 3 years only..and work for hard okay for sure..and during the industrial work, pls do not straight away dump ur work paper or doc cos u need to prepare a report.

and later on after you finished the 3 years industrial working experience, you will have two options...first option is that you can go for PAE which stands for professional assesment examination okay..second you can reg with IEM , institution of engineer malaysia and you must be a corporate member ( before u become corporate member,do notice that there will be some kind of interview okay)...and one more thing, IEM will assign a person who is a prof engineer to assist your way to the top okay..

ok..FYI..most people who are the professional engineers nowadays told that better to take the second option since its simpler than the first choice..however..its just a tips ok..for sake of ur make ur own destiny..

Last but not least,if u manage to pass the third step..u are 3 quarter of becoming an Ir dude..the final step is registration of professional engineer with BEM...once u can reg this and ur application pass, u are a professional engineer proud of yourself..

Importance of becoming an Ir???
-richer and famous
-more responsibility to bear
-and more stress waiting for you...

last but not least...the whole process only took bout 3-5 years depend of ur credibility+thinking skill+presentation skill+communication skill+problem solving be a quality engineer and do not be a corrupted one okay...

with all respects...good luck and wish all the engineers the best to provide a safety and reliable environment for us!!!

tq listeners~~

1 comment:

kblletrina said...

cool la mak. lepas ni dpt ir mude la tau.. umur 28 dah jadi ir hakim :)